LEGION Model Builder Help

Platform Area

Next, this command prompt is shown:

  • Back of platform: Set, or type, distance.

Here, the platform area is set, either by typing a platform depth, or by selecting and dragging a segment of the platform edge (highlighted when the mouse hovers over it). This is the area that entities wanting Services from this Platform will head to and wait in, before boarding.

Platform Entry Zones

Platform Entry Zones are optional, indicating where boarding passengers enter a Platform for the rest of the model.

Each zone is paired with one or more Passenger Distributions in Platform Properties (see Passenger Distributions), which define the distribution of passengers along a Platform when entering at a specific location.

Different distributions by entry location can be useful in these situations:

  1. A Platform has multiple entry points, for instance near each end. Passengers entering at one end of the platform may be unlikely to distribute evenly along the platform:
    • They may tend to wait closer to their entry point to limit walking distance.
    • They may move along the platform to board based on a subsequent destination.
  2. Different Services may generate distribution patterns, depending on Train configuration, e.g.:
    • Different number of Carriages
    • Different Carriage lengths
    • Different positions of standard/first-class Carriages in different Trains

Creating a Platform Entry Zone

A Platform Entry Zone consists of:

  • A user-definable line segment or polyline, denoting the transition onto the Platform. Polyline can follow a simple curve but is not allowed to follow a complex curve.
    • Straight line is permitted:
    • Simple concave or convex curve is permitted:
    • Compound curve where direction of curvature changes (e.g., S-curve, is not permitted):
  • A fixed depth (2.1m) area into the Platform, so Entities cannot accidentally step over the zone.
  • Adjustable “buffer spaces” (2.1m wide) left and right of the Platform Entry Zone, so Entities cannot accidentally cut across a corner and miss the Platform Entry Zone.

To Create one or More Platform Entry Zones

  1. The command prompt asks: Are Platform Entry Zones required? [Y]/N
    • Press <ENTER> or type Y then press <ENTER> to add one or more Platform Entry Zones.
    • Type N then press <ENTER> to skip adding Platform Entry Zones. Go to the Platform-Service Pairing section, below.
  2. The command prompt states: Platform Entry Zones: Mark the first point of the entry segment of polyline
    • Left-click at the starting point of the segment defining the Platform Entry Zone.
      Tip: Use Snaps to precisely align the segment to the Platform geometry.
  3. The command prompt states: Platform Entry Zones: Select next point. Press <ENTER> to finish.
    • Left-click successive points of the entry segment.
    • Points must form a simple convex or concave polyline. Compound curvature is not permitted, and clicking an unpermitted point generates an error message:
  4. When all segment points have been added, press <ENTER>.
  5. The command prompt states: Platform Entry Zones: Mark the Platform side. Click or press <ENTER> to confirm.
    • Move the mouse left or right of the Platform Entry Zone segments. An arrow is shown, indicating movement direction onto the Platform. The default Platform Entry Zone shape is also shown.
    • The shape matches the segment(s) you have drawn, for example:
    • Left-click or press <ENTER> when the arrow shows the correct direction.
  6. Provide a name for the Platform Entry Zone in the popup dialog. This is to identify it in Platform properties, when assigning Passenger Distributions.
    • A unique default name is supplied automatically.
    • Any name entered must be unique for the Platform.
    • Names can be reused in other Platforms.
  7. Click OK to close the dialog.
  8. The command prompt asks: Platform Entry Zones: Add more Platform Entry Zones? [Y]/N
    • To add more Platform Entry Zones, press <ENTER> or type Y then press <ENTER>. Repeat from Step 1 above.
    • To stop adding Platform Entry Zones, type N then press <ENTER>.
  9. After all required Platform Entry Zones are added, the command prompt changes to Set Platform properties and the Platform properties dialog box appears.

Adding Platform Entry Zones to an Existing Platform

For an existing Platform object:

  1. Select the Platform in the workspace.
  2. Right-click inside the Platform area and select Add a New Platform Entry Zone to Platform ‘[Name]’ from the menu, where [Name] is the Platform name.
  3. Follow steps

Editing Platform Entry Zones

To change the shape of a Platform Entry Zone:

  1. Select the Platform in the workspace.
    • The Platform Entry Zones are now visible, with grab handles at adjustment points.
    • Side buffer grab handles are outermost, while inner handles are for the Platform Entry Zone segment(s).
    • Movement of side buffer grab handles is limited, to prevent self-intersection between the side buffers and the main Platform Entry Zone area. Two limiting factors are considered:
      1. ±90° to the adjacent Platform Entry Zone segment. This is a constant limit.
      2. The point where a side buffer would start to overlap the main Platform Entry Zone area. This is a variable limit – it depends on the specific Platform Entry Zone segment(s).
  2. Left-click on a grab handle, move it to the desired location, then left-click again to set the new location.
    • For side buffer grab handles, as the mouse moves a blue square indicates the new side buffer extent within the potential adjustment range:
  3. Repeat with the other grab handles for any other adjustments needed.

Renaming Platform Entry Zones

The name assigned to a Platform Entry Zone can be changed. To do so:

  1. Select the Platform in the workspace.
  2. The Platform Entry Zones are now visible.
  3. Right-click inside the Platform Entry Zone you want to rename, then select Rename Platform Entry Zone ‘[Name]’… where [Name] is the existing name.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the new name. Rules for Platform Entry Zone names remain the same:
    • Any name entered must be unique for the Platform.
    • Names can be reused in other Platforms.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog.

Deleting a Platform Entry Zone

To delete a Platform Entry Zone:

  1. Select the Platform in the workspace.
  2. The Platform Entry Zones are now visible.
  3. Right-click inside the Platform Entry Zone to be deleted, then select Delete Platform Entry Zone ‘[Name]’, where [Name] identifies the Platform Entry Zone to delete.
  4. The Platform Entry Zone is deleted. Any Platform referring to the Platform Entry Zone in Passenger Distribution assignments is updated.